Monday, February 09, 2009

Date Nights for a Bargain

I have a dream. It's not a complicated dream. It just requires at least 3 other families to share my vision. If enacted, it would allow each couple to have three - 3 - tres date nights each month. Read that again: 3 date nights every single month. All for $20 per month.

And if you act now, we'll throw in... Seriously, it sounds too good to be true, but really it's not.

Here's the plan:
  • 4 couples with 1 - 4 kids per couple
  • $6.50 per week for those going on Date Night
  • Drop-off kids to 1 of the 4 couples at 5:30 p.m.
  • Kids have pizza, movies, games, etc (all with parental approval)
  • Pick-up kids by 10:30 p.m.
  • Rotate couples next week

Just think: 3 weeks in a row you and your spouse get to go / do whatever you want for 4 hours. 1 week you get money from other couples ($20) to buy pizza, movie, whatever, for the kids you're watching. It's like a 5 hour party in your house once a month. Kids form friendships. Couples have dates. Parents know what's going on. A small monetary investment.

The only details to iron out (as I see it) is the following:

  • Couples need to have at least vaguely similar parenting styles / trust in the other parents to watch their kids for 5 hours
  • Basic forms to clearly establish things like liability / medical care / emergency contacts
  • Oh, and me still trying to find 3 couples! (I think I have one, maybe 2 if we prod them into it)

So, what do you think? Good idea? Bad idea? Living in a fantasy land? Let me know!


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