Learning from Hyacinths
My coworker recently brought some freshly cut hyacinth blooms to our office from her garden. Considering the relatively small size of the office, the blooms put off a very pleasing, and rather strong scent. I have thoroughly enjoyed this addition to our office. However, I have noticed a trend that regularly occurs. After about 5 - 10 minutes I have almost no notice of these fragrant flowers. Even when I remember they're there I can barely smell them; I have to work to pick up their scent (unless I go right up to them). Yet, every time I leave the office for more than a couple minutes and come back the fresh fragrance returns.
I am amazed at how quickly I acclimatize to my surroundings. It doesn't take long before I don't even notice this wonderful addition. This prompts me to a few considerations. What else in my life am I acclimatized to and no longer aware of? Are they good things that I need to remain thankful for and continue to grow? Are they harmful things that are hindering growth or holding me down? How would I know? Well, in the case of my office it's when I leave for awhile and come back, but how do I do that in my own life? How do I get away, to where and for how long? I don't have regular out of body experiences.
Personally, I feel this is where a regular time - a quiet time, devotions, meditation, etc is so important. This is a time to pull away from my day to day and go to a place much, much larger than myself. Hopefully, when I "return" I find both some semblance of where I just was meaning that growth is occurring as well as some things I realize need to get tossed out because they don't fit with the decor anymore (procrastination, selfishness, pride, envy, etc). Parts of this process I'm starting to do okay; parts of it still need to improve more than a bit. How about you (fictional reader)? Do you have a good "sense" of what's going on in your day to day, or are you so inundated by the input that you don't recognize them anymore? Have any good strategies for getting a fresh perspective?